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Slowly, almost hypnotically, he let me around the dance floor.
He had found a new body, a young man, and hypnotically told him every detail of his own life.
Instead she continued toward the core, as if hypnotically pulled.
In a few minutes, hypnotically over the drowned forest, they came to what had once been a road.
Miles had been watching them hypnotically shift as the morning stretched.
Data seemed even more interested than before, and the others followed Jared hypnotically.
The red bulb high up on the control board blinked hypnotically.
Hypnotically they join in and all three trio on the song.
"I had to take into account that you could influence me hypnotically.
He did not feel hypnotically conditioned, but maybe you couldn't tell.
Before I could return to the attack, the live flames captured it hypnotically.
Every part of the dead kid's anatomy was swaying hypnotically.
In fact, Mona had told him hypnotically to be confident and successful.
The senior partner's voice was hypnotically tranquil at his back.
Hypnotically, they all watched the taut line of the rope.
I looked hypnotically at the rib and my greasy fingers.
Slowly, almost hypnotically, she slid it off, exposing myself to her.
Others have described it as "hypnotically beautiful and deeply disturbing".
Just lately he seemed almost hypnotically aware of all writing instruments, great and small.
The slow diminuendo at the close of the second movement is hypnotically beautiful.
Something in the part and the project drew him hypnotically towards the pain it contained.
Constance turned, slowly, hypnotically, and stared out into the garden.
I keep on walking towards the white light, which throbs hypnotically at me.
The centerpiece of the show is a hypnotically beautiful painting from 1968 that has almost never been exhibited.
She had the feeling, without even turning, that his eyes were fixed hypnotically on the gypsy girl.