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What she saw and heard came to her amplified by instruments that scanned the ice desert glittering beneath.
Perhaps once or twice a year, people, alone or in pairs, straggled dying from the ice deserts.
On Orogolak, war broke out between two rival bases, and a short nuclear war was fought which turned the planet into an ice desert.
Inside the maw he could see a spinning light show of crystal bits, a miniature of the thing's travel across the ice desert.
Whiteout conditions threatened, the clouds over the ice deserts in the distance were heavy with snow, and bolts of lightning flashed on the distant horizon.
Chapter Four Planet Belle Terre WIND MOANED across the ice desert.
In February 2010 Azam conducted an artistic expedition to Antarctica, where he produced 13 large abstract oil paintings responding to different Antarctic landscapes, including ice lakes, ice caves, glaciers and ice deserts.
Outside the cavernous dome, the midnight sun was shining over the featureless polar ice desert and the thermometer hovered near minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit, but inside the crowded computer room, a dozen computers available to pole residents were all in use.
In a couple of hours, everything within 30 north and south of the equator turns to absolute zero (-273 C) turning Florida, Mexico, Central America, most of South America and Africa into an ice desert.
The ice desert of the South and the sunken isles of Ocean hold stones whereon Their seal is engraver, but who bath seen the deep frozen city or the sealed tower long garlanded with seaweed and barnacles?
Their column of Chimera troop transports, ski-nosed half-tracks commandeered locally, Hellhounds and Leman Russ tanks with big bulldozer blades, made fast going over the sculptural ice desert, snorting exhaust smoke and ice-spumes in their wake.
Like an electric shock, the storm surged right up to the open door of the bunker at the foot of the silo--just as quick as that, as if summoned, as if pushed, swept by a titan's hand along the ice desert's skirt.
During this mission the team also aimed to explore the coast of Antarctica by inflatable boat and jetski, part powered by bioethanol, and then to travel across some of the vast ice desert by wind-powered kite-ski and electric powered paramotor.
Ten hours after Sir George's departure toward the summit, this new relief were still scanning the snowy altitudes above them from their own high perch among the ice deserts ten thousand feet above the level of the sea, but the whole forenoon had passed without a glimpse of any living thing appearing up there.
And the vast majority on Earth, even if they ever thought about such matters and could relate to them, were unable to comprehend how anyone would choose living amid ice deserts and breathing machine-dispensed air to taking in a movie after a day's shopping at the mall, lying on the beach, or harvesting corn in Iowa in October.