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Many are college students who feel idealistic about the work.
Men in their 20s are not as idealistic about women.
Idealistic perhaps, but it is also the only hope for the future.
In a sense it's the most idealistic kind of war.
"Maybe I was just way too idealistic going into this."
I was more idealistic about the uses of my art then.
They were too young, stupid, and idealistic not to give themselves away.
They are too idealistic to strike first, so you will.
But as a younger woman, she'd been much more idealistic.
"And I have too much competition to be idealistic about it."
I have mentioned this before, and maybe it is too idealistic.
"Politics has always been an idealistic thing for me," she said.
The time was not right to be idealistic, but rather realistic.
Some saw the loss of face in slightly less idealistic terms.
That is a practical point, not just an idealistic one.
A lot of idealistic and able people applied for jobs.
All four are idealistic young people looking to defend their country.
They're young, idealistic and their hearts are in the right place.
Overall, the film is good, if not a bit too idealistic.
And the fact that the plan is corporate may be the most idealistic thing about it.
"Young people are idealistic, and so we live in a community that lives a high ideal."
I know for a fact men in their twenties are just as idealistic about women.
"Most recruits are very idealistic and want to help people."
Some members of the clergy now see this as being too idealistic.
There is no need to paint too much of an idealistic picture.