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They would sit and talk through the long, idle hours of evening, watching the people in the streets below.
A lot of us had been wondering that, in our idle hours, for a long time now.
My thoughts often turn to them in idle hours.
It was intended to fill the idle hours of oil field and migrant workers.
So he decided to fill the idle hours by working on his hitting balance and consistency.
Maybe someone has thought to fill the idle hours with a practical joke or two."
Idle hours were more a curse than a blessing.
To survey with wonder the changes of one's own self is a fascinating pursuit for idle hours.
"We live mainly on food rations," he said, smoking away the idle hours in a tea house.
What to do with those idle hours?
Rockets aren't built on a shoestring nor in the backyard during the idle hours of a boy scientist.
Of course, they had to find something to fill all the idle hours on their hands, but they could have found something else.
In the idle hours his mind roved to the north, where even at this moment the war that he despised was being fought.
Mr. Murtaugh said that he was playing a little golf now, but found himself with many idle hours.
In the idle hours behind the walls.
Twango will not pay good terces for idle hours of dreaming!"
I profited from these idle hours by paying a courtesy call on the captain to give him a bottle of champagne.
Young called the drawings and sketches the results of his "idle hours at Weir Farm."
The books impressed some clients and filled my idle hours with arcane nuggets of trivia.
Rocket juice helped pass the idle hours, although it could also aggravate the tensions and confrontations.
"I shall make him my slave, that he may amuse my idle hours.
It's one to bear in mind for those idle hours spent deciding seating plans for fantasy dinner parties.
An overstuffed settee, where he spends some of his idle hours watching television, now sits on the historic spot.
A small smithy, complete with caldron, and a metal workshop awaited his idle hours.
So folk will gab in idle hours, and the tale will spread like wildfire.