Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The best man in the business had no time for idle talk.
Sleep would not come to them, so idle talk did.
All idle talk, from individuals who could not raise the money.
It is not the idle talk of those in the streets.
I can see you have been listening to idle talk.
It is not meet that we should spend time in idle talk.
She rose on seeing him, and he made idle talk for a moment before finally coming to the subject.
Twice a year, spring and fall, people in this line of work have no time for idle talk.
Sounds to me like it's just idle talk of soldiers.
We're talking about Clubs - and not just idle talk.
They talked for a few minutes, idle talk, content more to look at and listen to each other.
Old Nathan asked, as if it were no more than idle talk between two men who'd met on the road.
Since the Bull is related to half the town, that's not idle talk.
This means that discussion of changes to the proposal is now idle talk.
Nothing he did in tonight's game provided any indication that it was idle talk.
Many times has she said so and Jana is not given to idle talk.
There has also been much idle talk about "the death of ideologies".
The budget is a "clear demonstration to me that this isn't just idle talk for the administration."
Without this political will, these great promises on employment policy are nothing more than idle talk.
This is a whole lot more than idle talk.
Let the pundits go on with their idle talk about the next election, what happens in 2012.
Whole volumes are passing as I waste my time in idle talk with you.
She didn't have time for idle talk; she had to find her daughter.
She was provoked at herself for wasting to much time in idle talk.
One soldier who took part in the conversation dismissed it as idle talk.