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I suspected that he thought his father had died ignobly and blamed me for it.
Was my second great adventure into time to end so soon, so ignobly?
When 241 died in a terrorist bombing, he had ignobly to withdraw those who remained.
An egoist certainly; yet not ignobly so, seeking only his own advantage.
"He told me how ignobly you had bested him."
How ironic it would be to die ignobly as an unsuccessful horse thief!
When one's only sibling was ignobly and irretrievably dead, what good news could one possibly expect?
In the prison he bore himself pathetically, peevishly, but never ignobly.
An instant before that noble body smashed ignobly into concrete, a giant hand materialized.
Certainly better than roasted sandtiger, which Del had ignobly served me once.
For my sadness I desired your beauty, for you have so ignobly betrayed me.
And you would still be ignobly bound by the tasp itself."
He heard a startled gasp before a body tumbled into the foyer and fell rather ignobly onto the floor.
"A pity he had to die so ignobly.
Once the advocates for employees, these departments' executives have in many settings become the executioners of policies ignobly set by others.
Nabokov kills Charlotte, ignobly and in an instant, and very near the start of the book.
Yet he ends up ignobly dead.
He was to meet our dragon in fair combat, not ignobly take his head as he lies ailing.
Struggling would only have drawn attention to our indignity, so we allowed ourselves to be escorted ignobly back to quarters.
The poor dog seemed to know all about it, for in fear and trembling he waited behind his master, hanging his tail most ignobly.
Ignobly, Blaise wondered how he could put together this story before Hearst did.
We could not act ignobly."
More cruelly perhaps and certainly more ignobly.
By the kind gods, 'tis most ignobly done To pluck me by the beard.
The survivors fled ignobly.