Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The ilk let me have about six working hours a day, seven days a week.
One man, and the others of his ilk whom he led.
Plenty of a certain ilk know exactly who he is.
Among the many guests were several others of his ilk.
You and your ilk have been threatening everybody for years.
They had seen others of Burke's ilk come and go.
Their ilk can be found at a hundred restaurants around town.
People of that ilk always had a fancy name for everything.
This book would not have been possible (or near as much fun) without all these people, and their ilk.
"You and your ilk should be kicked out of office."
They had weapons of every ilk pointed at his friends.
"I had in mind only evidence of an ilk most indirect."
But it takes a more systematic approach than many other studies of its ilk.
But we could only write songs of that ilk at a certain age.
Like most of its ilk, it had two floors, each one large room.
Secret agents of this ilk are at work all the time.
That is why you and your ilk are on the sidelines.
One might well wonder how much we could have in common with governments of that ilk.
This writer will be lucky to see its ilk again.
Perhaps that one, of all his ilk, can be trusted.
This fat man, Cruz, was not so different from others of his ilk.
I just hope Karma is not yet done with them and their ilk.
Croatia is the "in" place for a certain ilk at the moment.
"He is like others of his ilk," said one detective.
So how did Canary and its ilk get away with all this?