My 54-year experience in the conservation movement has included successful opposition to many large dams, all of which were ill considered and have been proved unnecessary.
Blunt and passionate, Pipes's book is occasionally inconsistent, and its policy recommendations sometimes appear ill considered.
Forgive me if my words were ill considered.
And he bristled at the suggestion the purchase might be ill considered.
Indeed, the United Nations system had been considered ill conceived to implement a major increase in development funding.
That kind of restriction is ill considered: there's no way such bacteria could sprout wings like locusts.
Until that happens, any decision to extradite him looks hasty, ill considered and risky.
Differences between the two make that move seem ill considered.
And some critics say Texaco's assessment is muddled at best, ill considered at worst.
We must stand together, and so we shall, but I believe your desire to hold our ground at Nesmé is ill considered.