Even after political prisoners are released, they continue to face ill treatment.
He died, poor lad, I think, through ill treatment and fear.
Of course, no one could deny that Quick was subject to ill treatment.
The Minister will be aware that, in 1989 and 1990, 726 complaints of ill treatment were made.
The gray came in just after, and thereby prevented any ill treatment which the others might have given me.
At one time it was considered ill treatment for a man to make the woman walk backwards in some locations.
To his surprise, they showed no signs of ill treatment or poor feeding.
We are talking about crimes involving ill treatment, violence against a person, something which is a crime in all the countries of the Union.
I mean look at the ill treatment of women under Islam today.
"serious concerns about ill treatment and violence, in some cases leading to death, by the police against crime suspects."