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Especially in erecting an asylum for imbecile children to spend their days.
That I caught a view of myself in a mirror, looking perfectly imbecile and idiotic.
She gestured and swore vengeance on all imbecile men.
They used the "lazy, ignorant, imbecile meme" for these guys.
I could not bear to leave him as the Emperor is, a mindless, imbecile shell, cared for by others.
Imbecile children with the ability to extract cube roots and do logarithms in their heads.
"Your imbecile son is under arrest for using and dealing, and I haven't talked to him about the drugs at all."
I've never been much for impersonations, and I had to pull off being one of those imbecile guards that the prince likes to employ.
"It's nearly six o'clock, and since ten last night I've been on top of the most perfectly imbecile donkey ever devised by nature.
"I seem to be in for the most imbecile escapade in history with about one chance in a billion.
But what in God's name had that poor, enthusiastic, politically imbecile troop of Englishmen last month got to do with civilization?
More comatose, imbecile bodies were found.
"But this is perfectly imbecile!"
Whether it was a Rix playing dead or an imbecile political gone mad from an insertion injury: it doesn't matter.
It was resolved at any price to get rid of those imbecile councillors, who thought they might treat France like a country conquered by the emigrants.
His imbecile sisters Cora and Clarice remark; "He's very clever but he learns it all from books."
As we first see her, her father has planned to marry her off to Dathan Peveral, the imbecile son of a needed ally.
Imbecile generals, imbecile scientists, and an imbecile computer!"
Again the vacuous, imbecile smile took possession of her features, and her voice, dropping its harshness, resumed the soft, well-modulated tones with which she had first addressed him.
And while we waited, the god Tsathoggua peered upon us with an even more imbecile squatness and vileness and bestiality than he had shown in the torchlight.
But I was too imbecile, although I knew it to be he, to separate him from his dress; and tried to call him, I remember, PILOT.
The sickly or imbecile child would perish at once in the course of Nature; it is saved in the name of charity, and a new line of degenerates is started.
He is greatly irritated by the irony of Socrates, but his noisy and imbecile rage only lays him more and more open to the thrusts of his assailant.
Once again I studied the dim loom and tracery of intricate rigging and lofty, sail-carrying spars, thought of the mad, imbecile crew, and experienced premonitions of disaster.
In a blistering review of an "abysmally imbecile comedy-thriller" called "Moose Murders," he wrote, "Selective patrons cannot even imagine what horrors reviewers are exposed to, night after nightmarish night."