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Normally the imbibers returned to a more pleasant time, though.
Yet others give unnatural strength to the imbiber and some turn men mad.
The word "punch" has nothing to do with the effect of the concoction on its imbibers.
But where is the serious imbiber to turn?
In this form the drug is very addicting; withdrawal will almost certainly kill the imbiber.
For the remainder of the evening, he planned to be a past-tense imbiber.
If the user fills the cup only to that level, the imbiber may enjoy a drink in peace.
Imbibers get the munchies, and proceed to spend hundreds of credits on food.
But by the end of the year, reluctant imbibers were returning to the wine shops, and prices began to creep up.
Foreign imbibers, not brought up on this custom, usually prefer to dilute it with a large splash of water.
The square is well-used but generally by an ill-mannered lot of public imbibers.
But now there is collar ID to keep an imbiber and a glass connected throughout the evening.
It has been a splendid few days for New York's imbibers, whether their weakness be alcohol or cholesterol.
Intoxicants lock the imbiber in the present, the here and now, without regard for the future, without consideration of the past.
The imbiber feels as if they are drowning, are unable to breathe, and become overwhelmed by the drug.
What the hey, gals and pals, subscribers and imbibers.
Imbibers use a ladle to fill their stemless glasses, which chill in individual bowls of ice.
The 'cue isn't bad by a stretch, but there are real rewards for the inquisitive imbiber.
Other imbibers have gone over to the dark side of beer, rejecting the pasteurised lager produced by the breweries.
From the looks we were starting to get from our fellow imbibers, we might have been getting just a tad too loud.
Unwary imbibers suffered a form of paralysis that came to be known as jake-leg.
In his days spent fighting the dancing gonococci, Larch had become quite a knowledgeable imbiber of ether.
The prince dashed through a wine tent, leaping several low benches and scattering several early imbibers.
According to Lord Krebs, 24-hour drinking has not suddenly turned us into sophisticated French imbibers.
By 1910, brewing in the state was a $20 million-plus business, and the brewers and imbibers were flying high.