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Yet no one has found a way out of the imbroglio.
What should have taken but a short while had turned into a major imbroglio.
People have come out into the street from both sides to watch the imbroglio.
It should have been reported on the show last Sunday, a day after the imbroglio.
No one was going to run any risks of getting involved in an imbroglio.
It is far from clear how the imbroglio will be resolved.
The imbroglio was another example of how the Web is really regulated.
And the location men had to deal with the cat imbroglio.
Or, put another way, all politics is local, as the great port imbroglio has again reminded us.
Friends and former colleagues say he found himself in an imbroglio with management over the new arena.
The imbroglio is without precedent in the mutual fund industry.
For that reason, this imbroglio is being watched with keen interest by much of Africa.
The tensions between the two groups have a long history, with the best-known imbroglio having taken place in 1985.
I've been closely following the Foley imbroglio, all the while wondering why.
Now, however, they have leapt into the political imbroglio with glee.
Some sailors here were still hopeful that something positive might come of the imbroglio.
Secondly, a military solution to the Afghan imbroglio is not possible.
But it was a recent in-house imbroglio that may have been the last straw.
But how they came to be mixed up in that imbroglio I can't imagine!
It was not always evident that the banking industry would come out of this political imbroglio so well.
"What in the devil, now, is the meaning of this imbroglio?"
The imbroglio, however, also provided an unequaled opportunity for the club.
That this election imbroglio hasn't unified the country is good news.
But if history is any guide, the county's imbroglio will prove to be good for the bond insurers' business.
Nonetheless, the group currently finds itself in a major imbroglio still to be resolved.