Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The problem with all of these strategies is that they are highly imitable.
There are some candidates for "highly imitable" features of this sort.
"Nothing," Wes said, although in truth he was feeling extremely imitable.
Imitation is not original, thus no original writer is ever really imitable.
"But my concern is that these commercials present the kind of violence that is imitable."
His admirers said, "You don't need a wand to work your imitable wonders.
Is it imitable or not?
That which is imitable is neutered by repetition.
"In your own imitable fashion.
The style is hideously imitable.
He was imitable.
"When you have people with money and power, selfishly backing films with scenes of imitable violence, how are parents around the country to fight for truth?"
The President had then turned his wizened-apple head toward her and, in his highly imitable Yankee voice, said, "You lose."
Effectively, this translates into valuable resources that are neither perfectly imitable nor substitutable without great effort (Barney, 1991;: p117).
These changes were all aimed at making the show "appropriate" for kids, and to prevent even the slightest appearance of "inappropriate" content, imitable violence or sexuality.
Laver goes on: Because voice settings are under potential muscular control, they are learnable and imitable.
Garland is camp, he asserts, because she is "imitable, her appearance and gestures copiable in drag acts".
The meme is another source of gloss; it is "transmitted from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena."
The world's languages use consonantal phones that differ in thirteen imitable vocal tract place of articulations (from the lips to the glottis).
These phones can potentially be pronounced with eleven types of imitable manner of articulations (nasal stops to lateral clicks).
Leave off Clubs required the Housemaster's signature, and that harmless Merovingian's signature was imitable.
The Ladies Night Banquet - An Imitable Speech By Mark Twain."
It may not be as catchy as "Virginia Is for Lovers" or as imitable as "I New York."
Although he was "a person never a hero even on the Stage," he sets himself out as an admirable and imitable person who expects applause for his vices.
It sticks closely to the imitable but irreplaceable Zagat formula: breezy, quotation-filled entries of 50 to 60 words each, compiled from online surveys of volunteer reviewers.