Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And those who know him say he is impeccably honest.
He had a waiting room outside, which was always impeccably clean.
I would simply like to add a few words on the current situation, which is impeccably described in this report.
No one wants to read about perfect people acting impeccably.
Impeccably turned out as always, but there were tired lines in his face.
Everything about her was in the most impeccably awful taste.
The impeccably professional staff is good about describing them to you.
She worked from a brief of some sort, and was impeccably prepared.
Make sure your clothes fit impeccably, and keep it simple.
At least, Miguel did not use force on her, and he was always impeccably clean.
She dressed impeccably and had her nails done once a week.
So impeccably observed, in fact, it lasted for much of the first half.
But there's a good index, and the selection is impeccably made.
He's impeccably dressed in a black suit, and he has a glass eye.
Fish, with the improvement of transportation, had to be impeccably fresh.
She was impeccably polite, just like the young woman who had made my appointment over the phone the week before.
His early verse is impeccably musical and rich in sound.
Of course, the most important thing about a salad is that the ingredients be impeccably fresh.
But impeccably executed, it is also a kind of homage.
We looked curiously around our new room, which was rough but impeccably clean.
He was impeccably turned out in full dress uniform with medals.
He was impeccably dressed in a business suit of what could only be called, a conservative cut.
I had always believed the chief was an impeccably scrupulous man.
He was known to be a perfect gentleman, and always impeccably dressed.
Lewis also made sure that the band was always dressed impeccably well.