Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Your mother, he gave me to understand, came from a respectable if impecunious family.
Is it likely that an impecunious college graduate would take this short cut to prosperity?
Far more than your impecunious appearance would suggest you could pay."
That's much better than having them all in Washington, which is a very expensive city for impecunious students to have to visit."
Did you ever catch an impecunious professor wishing he was the King?"
Based on recent history, huge jury awards against even impecunious individuals and organizations have a way of making themselves felt.
But this season impecunious opera lovers (like me) have two new alternatives.
It was shown that translation work is undertaken even for impecunious clients.
As a practical matter, taxing the impecunious will yield little if any revenue.
These are sold to less exacting or more impecunious gourmets.
But to the impecunious King the maintenance of this property soon proved cumbersome.
Compared to him, an unknown, impecunious young vet was: a poor bargain.
They might well be inspired with the hope that the millennium of impecunious debtors was at hand.
They were clearly impecunious and I was curious.
The term is generally a colloquialism to describe an impecunious defendant.
The effects of this left her impecunious for a while and she received assistance from Worcester to remain at the college.
She came to realize that he was an impecunious boy, a common soldier without favour or prospects.
It was a free hostel for impecunious strangers who wished to study law and medicine.
Many attributed their impecunious state to their exclusion from the suburbs.
The Mexican clergy had good reason to fear that the impecunious new government would pursue church wealth and property.
In fact the Board of Trade had been extremely critical of the impecunious line.
With the impecunious student's unerring eye for a little free food and entertainment he had taken up my spare tickets.
My impecunious neighbor is an incontinent moron with rotten teeth.
Neither has in its sights the impecunious beginner.
Clearly, even with cheaper fares this would be unattractive for all but the most impecunious rural resident.