Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Some force not himself impels him, and go he must.
The very fact that he felt impelled to do so told its own story.
But that was a risk he felt impelled to take.
Given those key words, she was impelled right back into the love of her husband.
The body had followed him, impelled by the current of water.
His mother and fear impelled him to keep away from the white wall.
I sat up, impelled by the force of my argument.
Only the thought of what would happen if I failed impelled me forward.
He closed the door behind him and stood looking at her, so that she felt impelled to say something.
There came a silence that I was impelled to end.
At some point, even an American impelled in a car can go no farther.
Still, one chief executive is often impelled by the actions of another.
Nothing impelled me to choose against myself by showing you everything.
But today he felt oddly impelled not to do that.
No one had anything to say, but neither was anyone impelled to look somewhere else.
Whatever the reason, I felt impelled to take a quick look over my shoulder.
Yet, it is the music not the words that impels the dancing.
She looked to me for sympathy, and I felt impelled to explain.
What was it that impelled you to do so foolish an act?
Marker's arms went up as though impelled by a spring.
Four men - all impelled by a desire for silence.
And to focus on activities which impel people to work together across ethnic lines.
I drew near the end of my journey, and was impelled forward by hope.
Instead, Terry was impelled out the door by an angry hand at his back.
And ones that might impel you to join the suit.