Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
'Correct And the distinction depends on the end use of the imported article.
They already had glass buckets on sale at the 'Change, for about a tenth the cost of the imported article.
As an adjective Vilayati is used to indicate an imported article or good.
The company initially focuses on the distribution of imported articles (smoker's accessories) and religious articles.
Since March 2013, there were no authors writing for, the side being updated with automatically imported articles from the German news agency dpa.
If we ask ourselves today what we failed to achieve, I would say that the issue of how to deal with substances in imported articles is the most difficult.
The foundry prospered despite high wages and the lack of raw materials it became known for high quality products that competed successfully with any imported articles.
What is the good of having extremely tough legislation if the substances enter the EU in imported articles and businesses relocate from the EU?
We must rigorously increase control over production of imported articles and ensure effective enforcement of the legislation which governs the introduction of cheap products from third countries to the European market.
A Tariff Board was established which drew up a tariff of fixed values for all imported articles on which ten percent (10%) ad valorem duty was uniformly collected.
Over time, "the model 97 became the most popular shotgun on the American market and established a standard of performance by which other kinds and makes of shotguns were judged, including the most expensive imported articles".
An example of an advertisement of that time would read "Send Rs 1 and receive 32 imported articles" - these would consist of various trinkets and things from England like even bobby pins, but was wildly successful across the state.
Standing Up for the New York Apparel Industry: In April 2008, Senator Schumer asked U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to withdraw a proposal that would alter the way in which the transaction value of imported articles is calculated and eliminate the so-called first sale rule.