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People do not want Europe imposing decisions on them that they themselves would never have wanted to take.
"What is needed is to impose decisions that were made long ago."
It would be very important that a caucus was not created to then impose decisions on the 27."
You will create their personalities, the manual announced enthusiastically, by imposing decisions on them.
I have a discomfort with paternalism and with using the results coming out of our field to impose decisions on people."
As the Union does not want to impose decisions on the individual Member States, this is an attempt to coordinate their policies.
The Attorney General said, however, that the Administration preferred to let administrators work out policy disputes rather than impose decisions from above.
Experts say parishioners are angry because church leaders continue to impose decisions and policies from above, without input from the laity.
However, development projects can have detrimental effects on local communities when the donor country imposes decisions without the appropriate assessment of social, cultural and environmental needs."
"Cahners doesn't impose decisions on us," Mr. Silverman said.
Its proposals aside, what seems to be appearing is a hard, influential core capable of imposing decisions in preference to promoting the development of the Intergovernmental Conference.
"They are telling the U.S. they need to listen to their allies rather than imposing decisions on them and always taking Israel's side," Mr. Hamarneh said.
That kind of Union does not seek ways of imposing decisions which lack support in the Member States, but tries to solve the cross-border problems of its citizens through cooperation.
"A sheik does not impose decisions on his people," said the personable young tribal leader, referring in one oratorical sweep to himself, his father and all the Shayef chieftains before them.
Minorco argued that since Gold Fields had acknowledged that it lacked the power to impose decisions on Newmont, the antitrust threat did not exist and the order should, therefore, be lifted.
As the biggest non-member, Britain wants guarantees that the eurozone leaders do not adopt measures or procedures that would impose decisions on London without consultation - or re-regulate the single market, especially financial services.
In the Soviet-type Communist system.theoretically the trade unions are an independent organisation, not a Party or state organisation, and no one is allowed to interfere in their activities and to impose decisions upon them.
It is also aimed at the blatant, unreserved promotion of intervention in Cuba's internal affairs and at exerting pressure from outside in order to impose decisions that only the Cuban people have the sovereign right to take.
In this approach, the Security Council would provide for direct talks between Israel and its neighbors, guarantee the enforcement and financing of agreements, but reject any right either to impose decisions on the Middle East participants or to veto any deals made in bilateral negotiations.
But smaller eurozone countries are alarmed that they could easily be overruled while the big countries, such as Germany, France or Italy, would still be able to veto a bailout and six of the bigger countries voting together could impose decisions on the other 11.
If the purpose of this part of the chapter is to provide a platform for the proposition that, to use the Report's own words, management generally should 'involve employees in decision-making, rather than impose decisions on them without consultation', then it is as persuasive as is any declaration in favour of obvious good.