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Then there was a crisis in the milk market, caused by a restrictive policy and the imposition of penalties on farmers.
Yes, the following are examples of non-compliance which may lead to the imposition of penalties:
The Commission did not monitor rigorously enough the imposition of penalties on fishing vessels for infringements of the regulations.
The commission deals with questions associated with violations of the Indiana election laws, and with the imposition of penalties.
They had rubbery, gelatinous thighs in spite of countless posted cautionary notices and the imposition of penalty points.
These penalties may have thresholds for the basic imposition of penalty, and the penalty may be increased at other thresholds.
Until now, Mr. Langdon said, "the government has not aggressively used their imposition of penalties as a way of curtailing abusive transactions."
The DECC asserts its authority over the process by the imposition of penalties if participating industries do not comply with their agreed targets.
He extended the judicial role of the ulama to iqamat al-hudud the imposition of penalties by ulama themselves.
Jewish and British officials worked together to co-ordinate manhunts and collective actions against villages and also discussed the imposition of penalties and sentences.
A Review of Trade Cases The panels would review trade cases involving imposition of penalty duties by either country.
But trade experts said they did not think the act, which allows for the imposition of penalties on foreign companies for certain large investments in Iran, had ever been invoked.
Permission may be obtained from Nigeria's State Security Services, but even permission may not prevent the imposition of penalties or detention by other security officials.
Given the need for budgetary discipline, we should support the automatic and systematic imposition of penalties in the form of non-interest-bearing deposits, and their subsequent conversion into fines.
However, this must NOT come as a result of imposition of penalties from outside the UK (See point 1 - this is a form of protectionism).
However the imposition of penalties for offences illegal under international law or criminal according to "the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations" are normally excluded from its ambit.
Means of controlling the safe harbour system do exist, with the possibility of the imposition of penalties, but these only come into play in the event of unfair or fraudulent practices.
Japan Delays Bank Sanctions The Japanese Finance Ministry postponed for a year the imposition of penalties on banks that do not meet its standard of financial soundness.
If the purpose of this law is deterrence, then its success can only be realized by the imposition of penalties that are commensurate with the seriousness of the violation and its potential consequences.
Manufacturers (or, in the case of foreign vehicle manufacturers, their domestic distributors) are reminded that an erroneous certification may result in the imposition of penalties, including, but not limited to, the following:
The second is where the institution is proposing the imposition of penalties on the firm for particularly outstanding violations of competition law rules without any mitigating circumstances (e.g. persistent involvement in price-fixing cartels).
The practical imposition of penalties in each individual case is not provided for in the directive but under the applicable national law, for instance, following the submission of a complaint or after initiating criminal action.
The Limited Partnership Act 1907 provides for the imposition of penalties for various defaults in carrying out the requirements of the Acts and for failing to send to the Registrar the required forms.
This argument generally made little headway against the long-term movement towards free trade; imposition of penalties for "dumping" was sometimes motivated by domestic political reasons such as the United States imposition of steel tariffs in 2001).
The debate threatened to further divide British academics into camps - for or against the imposition of penalties on Israeli university teachers cast as complicit in Israeli government actions in the West Bank and Gaza.