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The impostor had turned out to be the real thing.
If I did not take their money some other impostor would.
Order them to move away and let me deal with the impostor.
But it's as if an impostor took his place the past two years.
But some have held that the dead boy was an impostor.
"He who has been playing that role among us must be an impostor!"
If you change any of these things they will think that we are impostors.
"You believe him an impostor," said a voice from behind them.
Maybe he was an impostor and not really rich at all.
At least tell her that he was an impostor and had left suddenly in the night.
One is not only an impostor, but also a fox.
"How would I know if the lady is not another impostor?"
The impostor must have planned to stay around a few minutes.
The other groups deal with their own sets of impostors.
If we could get him back to normal time he would be the first to call you an impostor.
But it did not take a minute for the impostor to make up his mind.
The security is enormous, just what the impostor wants in order to show he's better than you ever were!
Each unknown name made me feel more of an impostor.
How can this impostor look the old man in the eye over the dinner table?
The President looked the impostor up and down before he replied.
Later discovered to be an impostor, he was still at large yesterday.
He was an impostor in the most determined sense of the term.
North also dealt with several impostors during this same time.
Any minute now she'd recognize him for the impostor he was.
But I figured an impostor would have had me killed.
Just doing that made her feel more like an imposter than ever.
Actually, I think you are an imposter, but why does it matter?
There were 48 of them at first, but one turned out to be an imposter.
"It has to do with the little matter of your being an imposter."
"How did you happen to learn that an imposter was here in my house?"
You've been an imposter all your life, we know that now.
They must know, at the very least, that he is an imposter.
I'm supposed to tell you not to do anything to let the imposter know that we're on to him.
The sooner we can get this imposter out the better.
Once there, his role as imposter was next to useless.
Sure, the stands were only half filled to watch the imposters.
They will be able to tell whether you are an imposter."
I certainly don't want to be found out as an imposter.
I told you he was being an imposter,' the prostitute said.
The man was a blatant imposter from the very beginning.
Meanwhile, we have had our share of experiences with imposters.
In a moment it would be certain that he was some imposter, not a wizard after all.
Would an imposter do that when he had gone to so much trouble to enter?
David Owen has been an imposter for more than a decade.
"Is there a way we can go through a back door and erase this imposter?"
He is an imposter, ninth in the line to the title.
You think I'm a threat; others treat me like an imposter.
I'll find out whether she is an imposter or not."
Surely a lot of fuss has been made about an imposter.
Were these guys from a model agency that specializes in imposters?