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It would be hard to say what place she held in the soft, impressible heart of her faithful attendant.
His brain is first-rate, I should think not impressible, but vigorous."
I am very impressible myself, by nature.
She was not nervous or impressible; but the solemn, heart-felt manner struck her.
Paraffined paper appears also to have been experimented with as an impressible material.
Yet some striking exceptions there are among us, from the fact that the negro is naturally more impressible to religious sentiment than the white."
The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels.
Typically for a Vance protagonist he is good at his job, sparing of speech, generally amiable and not very impressible.
Yet he whom it describes scarcely impressed one with the idea of a gentle, a yielding, an impressible, or even of a placid nature.
Tom, who had the soft, impressible nature of his kindly race, ever yearning toward the simple and childlike, watched the little creature with daily increasing interest.
Still, the porter of that institution is of an obese habit, and, according to the best of my observation of him, not very impressible.
'So he is very impressible.
"What a fine-looking pair they are," whispered the impressible Mrs. Rachel to Marilla.
The Collegians as a body were not easily impressible, but even they, according to their various ways of wondering, appeared to find in the two brothers a sight to wonder at.
It always affected his imagination as wrathful, mysterious, and sad; and his imagination was sufficiently impressible to see the whole neighbourhood under some tinge of its dark shadow.
At all events, I hope I have something impressible within me, which feels - deeply feels - the disinterestedness of your painfully laying your inner self bare, as a warning to me.'
Afterwards, about the close of the same edifying discourse, Mr. Pepys found himself near another pretty, fair young maid, who would seem upon the whole to have had no pins, and to have been more impressible.
When she sat down despair was visible on many countenances, and immediate starvation seemed to be waiting at the door to clutch them as they went out; for the impressible creatures believed every word and saw no salvation anywhere.
But whatever blemishes others might discern in William, to his friend's mind he was faultless; for Marner had one of those impressible self-doubting natures, which, at an inexperienced age, admire imperativeness and lean on contradiction.
Like the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, would have said: "Ancient archetypes resurfaced from our collective unconscious and repossessed receptive minds - which were, as a rule, still developing and thus especially impressible.
She did not suspect how fatal her sojourn in the strongly Romish city of Dublin had been to the easily impressible mind of her early playmate, and how much it had transformed her whole being.
The saddest part of it all is, that this neglect of herself in girlhood, when her organization is ductile and impressible, breeds the germs of diseases that in later life yield torturing or fatal maladies.
So polite and so impressible was Monseigneur, that the Comedy and the Grand Opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets, than the needs of all France.