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So I got even with him for his former impudence.
She found his impudence a little too much after the business of the day.
"I do not have to accept your impudence any longer."
He and his wife had since learned how dangerous such an impudence could be.
No one had ever spoken to him with such impudence before.
But then again, the impudence of the priest was something else!
Certainly that took the prize for impudence, even from him.
He was arrested for his political impudence, and things took off from there.
There is a big difference, though, between independence and impudence.
He could scarce believe that the world held so much impudence.
Who would believe a day could be so full of impudence?"
Their eyes watched, as if ready to silence any impudence.
And do you know what he had the impudence, the gall, to tell me?
The son returned, who she is alleged to have killed for his impudence.
Kelly asked, and then bit her tongue for such impudence.
I would have given you a silver penny for your impudence.
She seemed amused by his impudence at suggesting her age.
The impact of my impudence stopped him short, much as a bullet might have done.
So, they'd tried to sell someone a new kidney and been killed for their impudence.
"Then I don't see how you have the impudence to come and speak to me."
After a while, however, one began to long for a hint of American impudence and humor.
Then the action, even though an atrocity, would not have been impudence.
"By Father's blood they shall all die for his impudence!"
Every other order he contested with questions that were sheer impudence.
In spite of his impudence and suspicious nature, I did like the boy.