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Could the President in secret, of course support such an action?
He actually began learning at his father's school, in secret.
You think I'm the first girl ever to meet a man in secret?
In secret they had then spent a number of hours learning to use them.
And they were allowed to do most of their work in secret.
But since they were held in secret, few knew this.
If they could do that in secret, then almost anything was possible.
The two are said to even have married in secret.
They must for now sit at our Table in secret.
A project this big could not be done in secret.
Something like that could not have been made in secret.
For over a year we were able to spend time with each other in secret.
They agree, and plan to leave in secret the very next morning.
Even if they tried him, it would be done in secret.
I really believe that perhaps one can return to the world and have your own place in secret.
That is the reason I have to act so in secret, and come to see you at night.
Political decisions are still made at the top and in secret.
At the senior high there was talk, but only in secret.
I have been here for years, using the Stone in secret.
The lady also said something in secret to each of the children.
The young man had been born to her in secret.
Maybe they sold out, made a deal in secret or something.
"That is why I wanted to give you this information in secret."
In secret, Will read every account he could get his hands on.
I even smoke in secret if my kids are around.
Secretly, I think he would like to be king himself.
The two secretly make a plan to see each other again.
She secretly makes money from another man just for being around him.
Having only left a few days earlier, he came secretly at night.
But we secretly love you for trying so hard to be someone you're not.
To go and see her was, secretly, the one thing in the world he most wanted to do.
She has always been secretly in love with him, and takes good care of his four children.
We had to end our open activities and work secretly.
Your government has done this before, many times and secretly.
The moment he'd secretly been waiting for all his life.
Does that mean they are going to try him secretly?
I did not say that you were secretly in love with me.
Remember, each of these men has come secretly to the meeting place.
Even when they help other people, she thought, they're secretly doing it for themselves.
The children would then vote secretly as to which one they wanted to see.
There might be a great deal he could learn from the man, but secretly.
She is secretly in love with Will, and they start a relationship at the end of the film.
They are friends, but Sam has secretly been in love with her since college.
Secretly it's pretty hard to tell the difference between the two.
Secretly I was planning to take you home with me to show to my parents.
It was also wrong of me to leave secretly, but that is what I did.
He also looked secretly happy that other people were around to watch him.
"It was my mother who used to secretly help her study."
He was also secretly and completely in love with her.
Maybe he does secretly, who knows about him, what he's really thinking?