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But there is not any such thing as inanimate matter.
I want to show this inanimate object a thing or two.
Even inanimate things, including water, are considered to have a soul.
There are no inanimate objects here we do not need.
The inanimate whose, he said, has history, common sense and convenience on its side.
A nation, like a building, is more than just an inanimate "thing."
The street signs point one inanimate thing in the direction of another.
Maybe these inanimate objects were trying to have a conversation with me.
Somehow, the guy looked younger when his face was inanimate.
Making inanimate objects come to life is no small task.
They may be a figure of a person, animal or inanimate object.
A still life is a work of art depicting inanimate subject matter.
Other patients had no trouble with inanimate objects but could not name certain living things.
"Try to get through the rest of the day without fighting with another inanimate object."
"There's no point to it," I said to the inanimate little box in my hand.
"An inanimate cow is not really going to rock their world."
A corpse was just an inanimate thing which filled space.
And who said the stored items had to be inanimate?
"I really am not skilled with inanimate things," she said.
All actions taken, even against inanimate objects, use that system.
When they struck, even inanimate objects seemed to move and live.
All had become accident, the chance involvement of inanimate matter.
Bacteria too may live for days or weeks on inanimate objects, he said.
"Some people see boats as inanimate objects but this one has a life of its own."
That knife of his looked well used, and not just on inanimate objects.