Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In truth, the series, which opens on Tuesday, may be rather inaptly named.
Ten years ago, it might not inaptly have been termed "The last clearing in the world."
Instead, the United States must fight the inaptly named drug war within its own borders.
Not inaptly is it written: "To escape from fire men will plunge into boiling water."
They seem to find that proof that the area was inaptly designated a historic district.
The poor you have with you always, ' said Christ, not inaptly.
If I might interpose a personal remark here (not perhaps too inaptly, given the circumstances!)
She was slippery in business dealings; one of her favorite words - "shady" - could not inaptly be applied to her.
It is inaptly called "The Merchant of Venice."
Granted, the direction of the quartet (once dubbed, not inaptly, the Liebeslosers) is usually problematic.
Ruined, he is reduced to pulling a rickshaw because his uncle (inaptly named Benevolence) refuses to bail him out.
'Brainstorm' could hardly be more inaptly titled.
Most crime goes unreported in this down-market publication, inaptly named The Daily Truth.
I myself had witnessed Retch Sweeney's garage gobble up the inaptly named canine.
A place of execution (hence the inaptly named "Slaughter Stone" that lies to one side, half sunk in its own pit).
"Well," he went on as he studied the harmed granite, "it is plain for all to see that I am inaptly formed for such labor.
Not inaptly the funds used to construct the exquisite Queen Anne residence there were provided by taxing people who wore pearl rings and periwigs.
But however obscure, the inaptly named French and Indian War is itself a drama of considerable significance, one that deserves to be rescued from the graveyard.
Although many have inaptly compared the present proceedings to the genuine constitutional crisis brought about by President Richard Nixon, there are far more dissimilarities than parallels.
The channel, the inaptly named Victory Sports, folded, and games resumed on Fox Sports Net.
Jarndyce and Jarndyce has been termed, not inaptly, a monument of Chancery practice."
Some of the brands he'd started out with had since disappeared: Tartan, Double Diamond, Trophy, the inaptly named Long Life.
In an address to the reader Austin not inaptly refers to his work as "this thatcht Tugurium of Poesie."
The reader constantly judges, remembers, imagines, revises what he thinks and feels, projects (aptly and inaptly), learns, relearns and, above all, rereads.
On Thursday, he boldly crossed the inaptly named Brotherhood and Unity Bridge separating two warring neighborhoods as French marines crouched in firing positions between the lines.