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This article is about incommensurability in the philosophy of science.
Field takes this idea of incommensurability between the same terms in different theories one step further.
This is significant in relation to the issue of incommensurability (see below).
This is especially supported by studying the incommensurability of theories.
An opponent of action may also point to the incommensurability of human lives.
In contrast, incommensurability is a situation where two scientific programs are fundamentally at odds.
To explain these the biology of incommensurability was created.
For this reason the idea of incommensurability will be discussed for each coauthor separately.
His reasoning shows that the incommensurability between the two systems extended to such theological issues as the location of heaven and hell.
Commensurability (contrast with incommensurability) is a concept in the philosophy of science.
In both cases the concept of incommensurability makes the viability of the thesis impossible.
The current form is the "incommensurability," so-called, of differing standpoints or conceptual schemes.
Philosophers argue over the precise nature of value incommensurability, and discussions do not always exhibit a consistent terminology.
Doesn't the Post headline better communicate the gravity of the action and the incommensurability of the sentence?
-and therein lies again the incommensurability between a historical truth and an eternal decision.
Incommensurability being how a pluralistic society can engage in cooperation when there is an absence "of common, absolute standards for resolving differences."
Green M. Incommensurability in organisation/management scholarship: epistemological necessity or social construction?
It is important to recognise that deviations measured in different units cannot be summed directly due to the phenomenon of incommensurability.
Such incommensurability exists not just before and after a paradigm shift, but in the periods in between conflicting paradigms.
Paul Feyerabend was another philosopher who said that incommensurability was possible in scientific topics.
Green M. The social construction of incommensurability in the social sciences: some ramifications for organisation/management studies.
"Measuring Incommensurability: Are toxicology and ecotoxicology blind to what the other sees?"
Rhetoric and Incommensurability.
Feyerabend considered the possibility of incommensurability, but he was hesitant in his application of the concept.