Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The dealer has dealt an incorrect amount of cards to any player.
On every statement a few checks were listed with the incorrect amounts and therefore the balance was wrong.
This can cause problems for the employee, for example, incorrect amounts being deducted from their pay.
Incorrect amount of cards to the player constitutes a dead hand (or push) for that player only.
It was later discovered that the crew had mixed the incorrect amount of jelling agent with the gasoline.
They must also clearly show both the correct and incorrect amounts of VAT.
An incorrect amount posted to the ledger.
The process of selecting an income tax return for examination is usually identified from computer programs or information that indicates a return has incorrect amounts.
Clerical: Duplicate billing, incorrect amount billed, or refund never issued.
At the time of the signing of Treaty 6, the incorrect amount of land was reserved for the Muskoday.
A recipe for rice with pine nuts in the 60-Minute Gourmet column on June 23 called for an incorrect amount of water.
Howard J. Nitkin of Waterbury said the problems with the state's withholding tables was further complicated by employers who withheld incorrect amounts.
The children had realized that the parents stored the correct amounts for the electronic transfers, whereas they, ihe children, now stored incorrect amounts.
Products containing the same ingredients of the genuine medicine, with genuine packaging, but containing incorrect amounts of ingredients.
An improper payment is any payment that should not have been made or that was made in an incorrect amount under statutory, contractual, administrative, or other legally applicable requirements.
LEAD: The 60-Minute Gourmet in Living last Wednesday gave an incorrect amount for an ingredient in roast tenderloin of pork with sweet peppers and paprika sauce.
For example, our current global observing system does not monitor water vapor transport, which means that atmospheric rivers may appear in the models with incorrect amount of water vapor, strength of wind, or both.
When officials pointed out that he had sent an incorrect amount and asked him to provide another £162, he sent a second cheque along with a note reading: "Sorry about that too - accountancy does not appear to be my strongest suit."
As the steward of taxpayer dollars, it is accountable for how its agencies and grantees spend those funds, and is responsible for safeguarding against improper payments-payments that should not have been made or that were made for incorrect amounts.
The organization went on to point out that Shell's decision to scrap the platform had been taken before Greenpeace announced the existence of an incorrect amount of toxic waste, and that their mistake therefore did not influence Shell's decision.
But overtime work was not always voluntary, the report said, and many factories kept poor payroll records, failed to make clear to workers how their pay was calculated, and often paid them incorrect amounts, in some cases using slips written in a language they could not read.
A table in Business Day on Thursday showing the New York Stock Exchange's uncovered short sales, or "short interest," for the four weeks ended June 15 included an incorrect amount for the Tech-Sym Corporation, provided by the company to the exchange, and misstated the total accordingly.
If you issue a credit note or supplementary invoice to correct an error in a VAT invoice, it should bear a reference to the number and date of that VAT invoice and show clearly both the correct and incorrect amounts of VAT.
It was discovered that this technical problem may have inadvertently caused winners to be paid incorrect amounts and it was this problem and the relationship between Camelot and GTECH that saw the National Lottery Commission recommend the lottery franchise be awarded to The People's Lottery.