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Moreover, Domínguez based his claim on a private revelation that contradicted the above-mentioned doctrine of the indefectibility of the local Church of Rome.
But this picture of Christ, unmarred by addition or omission, is to be found only in the Catholic Church and, owing to her indefectibility, will always continue there in its ideal state.
While rejecting the doctrine of assurance and of the indefectibility of grace, he also handled with unusual freedom the names of Calvin, Peter Martyr, and other believers in unconditioned reprobation.
The infallibility of the Church (or, more properly, indefectibility of the Church) is the belief that the Holy Spirit will not allow the Church to err in its belief or teaching under certain circumstances.
When Choiseul saw that Bossuet's conciliatory distinction between the Holy See's infallibility in teaching the Faith and its indefectibility in holding it found favour with both clergy and Court, he resigned his special commission.