Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Some countries provide indirect export subsidies in the form of tax reductions.
In addition and for indirect exports only, box 29 of the export declaration must be completed.
Indirect exports, is simply selling goods to or through an independent domestic intermediary in their own home county.
Indirect exports is the process of exporting through domestically based export intermediaries.
The UK treatment of indirect exports generally depends on their final destination:
MRNs will not only be issued for all exports - both direct and indirect export declarations.
Overall Karur generates around Rs.6000 crores in foreign exchange through direct and indirect exports.
Moving goods through the EU to non-EU countries (indirect exports)
Further details regarding direct and indirect exports can be found in the revised edition of Public Notice 197 which came into force on 1 January 2011.
Indirect exports can only be zero-rated for VAT if you can prove the goods have been exported.
Indirect export using inland clearance (LCP)
Indirect exports must be 'Arrived' on CHIEF before they leave the UK.
Indirect exports are controlled by the Export Control System which is an EU wide system implemented in July 2009.
All the legal requirements of EMCS apply to both direct and indirect exports of duty suspended excise goods.
Major direct and indirect export customers include manufacturers such as Hitachi, Kenwood, Intel and Shinwa.
Export Control System (ECS): used for generating, receiving and responding consignment details with regard to indirect exports.
Indirect export: Refers to goods declared in the UK leaving the European Union via another Member State.
Indirect exports - the dispatch of goods via a European Union (EU) country or countries to a third country destination - require special procedures and paperwork.
If the customer arranges to collect them from you - an indirect export - you may be able to zero-rate the sale as long as certain conditions are met.
It makes no sense, for example, to provide funding to support agriculture in developing countries if, at the same time, we destroy the local markets through direct or indirect export subsidies.
For indirect exports you should ensure you retain the PSA, P2P and a SAD copy 3 from the office of exit.
MRNs are issued to all direct export declarations will also be issued with an MRN in case they convert to an indirect export later.
When countries are engaging in offering financial investment incentives, those are arguably indirect export subsidies and are of questionable validity under globally agreed trade and investment rules.
Mechanisms of Indirect Exports such as VAT elimination or Application of 0% VAT on exports.
ECS1a (fiscal) - was the initial stage of the project which led to the UK operating as an Office of Exit for indirect exports from OMS.