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Rather you're a king-sized indulger, just as I had said.
And he spends enough time on exotic islands that who knows what he's really up to, but Clapton apparently once was quite the indulger.
He was not an indulger, he ex-plained, and very little was sold in this neighbourhood.
The near half-score of men in leathers who sat around the tables in the main room were anything but indulgers.
Another sector of the community, the Temperance Society, saw water as a substitute to wean indulgers off alcohol so they too began building fountains.
One loyal indulger, Oscar, a mixed breed boxer, favors a breath-freshening goodie called the Greenie.
"I think you already know that Carlos is by far the biggest indulger I have ever met," don Juan told them with a most serious expression.
Indulgers of desserts might look for apple crumb tart, abstemiously sweetened and simply heaped with slices of the firm tart-sweet fruit.
The Indulgers' 2000 album "In Like Flynn" includes a song entitled Granuaile centered on the legend of Ní Mháille.
Wouldn't he prefer Flaubert the trembling bourgeois, joking on the edge of a sin he fears to commit, rather than Flaubert the daredevil, the subversive indulger?)
Golangco, a recognized art scholar abroad and a member of a hacienda-owning clan, was a student, artist, academic, and occasional "sybaritic delights" indulger who decided to return to the Philippines.
That was debatable: although Lyttelton firmly states that drugs never percolated Feldman's, Raymond Thorp - in his memoir Viper - states that some indulgers in "charge" (as weed was then called) did frequent the venue.
We live in a time for action, and the person who sits on his hands, no matter how pure his heart, no matter how deep his devotion to God, that person is as much a sinner as the vilest indulger in the appetites of the flesh.