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I wish to demonstrate further the infelicity of these arms.
"I wrote it in a great hurry, you see, and there are infelicities."
Despite the infelicity of the prose, the story is charming and moves right along.
They are not responsible for any errors or other infelicities that remain in this book, but without them there would have been many more.
But it will involve us in great difficulties and infelicity to be now deprived of them."
Elsewhere, the infelicities of the past mill administrations are being slowly righted.
She winced at their infelicities, at the clumsy way they beat about the bush.
And it lives smaller than it is, by virtue of small infelicities in interior design.
As long as those rules applied, a lot of infelicities could be swept under the rug.
There are some other infelicities, too, most notably the thin characterization of a pair of children.
And he has won an uneviable reputation for verbal infelicity.
The accumulation of minor infelicities is annoying enough.
Without trying, I counted eight typographical errors or infelicities in the first 11 pages of the 18-page booklet.
Omissions or infelicities that your eye could overlook your ear might catch.
It has its infelicities, awkward passages and repetitions.
Butler assigns an important role to what Austin has called infelicities and parasitic uses of language.
The perfection of Wilde's plotting comfortably cushions any infelicities in the performances.
Heard at close range, a few infelicities of ensemble in the tenor and bass choral singing jumped out.
The quartet from Opus 18 was indeed a rough affair, full of small infelicities and miscalculations.
Such infelicities aside, readers with a taste for the idiosyncratic will not be disappointed by the concluding chapters.
As it turns out, the vagueness and even the infelicities are part of Schrader's design.
Now contrast the infelicities of 18 and 19 with those of 23 and 24:
To see or eat roast in a dream, is an omen of domestic infelicity and secret treachery.
His text does contain a smattering of technical infelicities, but at this level no nonprofessional is going to be word perfect.