Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We find no evidence that the surface is or will become inflammable.
Inflammable and flammable are used to mean the same thing.
An inflammable liquid had been poured in several areas of the house.
"Like when you're in a chamber full of inflammable gas."
The authorities said an inflammable liquid was thrown through a window.
A god wasn't going to do all this sort of thing just to make life better for inflammable cows.
"Those look to be quite normally inflammable leaves on the ground," Chester said.
And there was inflammable stuff about, which caught fire.
In the open air, the milky fluid was inflammable but not explosive.
"It was an inflammable situation out there and he walked right into it."
Even the most inflammable personalties try to hold their temper.
"The ship is inflammable," the blue man pointed out mildly.
We're regarded as inflammable litter that mustn't be left about.
He didn't want the inflammable contents to explode too soon.
But the entire stock was highly inflammable, which was enough.
States that normally lend firefighters to the inflammable West had to keep them close to home.
This is where the theory went wrong: the fuel was not only inflammable but highly explosive.
More than 180,000 grenades and inflammable shells were fired on the city itself.
Vietnam was an inflammable subject, and he defended American involvement, often overwhelmed.
It is a paper act in a paper situation, inflammable and precarious.
No lights whatever were safe amidst that bundle of inflammable things.
Inflammable tap water, cancer threats and earthquakes: probably coming soon, near you.
The house gets exploded, signing the storage of inflammable explosives.
She soaked the blanket, and then looked round for anything else that was inflammable, her journals?