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Its end purpose is to make the inflicting of pain, even death, acceptable.
That truly was not in Nate's character, the inflicting of pain.
Physical torture is the inflicting of severe pain or suffering on a person.
For this rapist, sexual excitement is associated with the inflicting of pain upon their victim.
And never make the mistake of thinking you can teach me anything about the inflicting of pain."
The inflicting of suffering, harassment, isolation, imprisonment, fear, or pain are all factors that may establish persecution.
We already know that those people are ruthless, that the inflicting of pain is a matter of indifference to them.
The inflicting of the wound on the head and the snapping of the vertebra could well have been simultaneous.
At one extreme, ironic comedy borders on savagery, the inflicting of pain on a helpless victim.
They observed police interrogation tactics and reported that "the inflicting of pain, physical or mental, to extract confessions or statements... is widespread throughout the country".
And this consideration alone is answer enough unto those that urge the authority of the law of Moses for the inflicting of capital punishment upon idolaters.
But Judge Span cautioned the jurors that the inflicting of pain, regardless of how serious the injury, was sufficient to qualify as assault and abuse under the law.
If Aten were kind, if Aten were merciful--could he sponsor the inflicting of unbearable pain?
The inflicting of vengeance and spreading of terror - aspects of war that are as modern as they are ancient - have played a part in Congo's cannibalism.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic violence is: "the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also: a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior."
As a result, Mr. Grossman wrote: "We are reaching that stage of desensitization at which the inflicting of pain and suffering has become a source of entertainment; vicarious pleasure rather than revulsion.
Disrupting the activity of a robot is a matter for the civil courts; it can result in a judgment of the infringement of property rights and the inflicting of a penalty of costs but nothing more than that.
Belladona in the eyes, the sacrifice of the moustaches, and a real scar the inflicting of which caused me much pain two months ago--but I could not risk a fake beneath the eagle eyes of Number Four.
Mr. Nelson, who was also accused of a civil rights violation in the inflicting of one of the stab wounds that killed Mr. Rosenbaum, was acquitted of murder charges in a state court in 1992.
Even if the patient survived it, she had shared Rhone's mind and knew that serious psychological damage would result from the inflicting of a surgical wound-not to mention the aftermath when close physical contact would be necessary to provide treatment and change dressings-on one whose species was virtually untouchable.
Then he remembered the episode with a boy his brother had brought from the country in order to educate him, and to whom he gave such a beating in a fit of anger that proceedings ANNA KARENINA were started against him for the inflicting of bodily harm.
Singer does not specifically contend that we ought not use animals for food insofar as they are raised and killed in a way that actively avoids the inflicting of pain, but as such farms are uncommon, he concludes that the most practical solution is to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet.