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Rather, her whole life had been one long response to such infliction.
I do not believe there are any studies about this infliction.
The infliction of harm upon another person is what makes an action wrong.
The nature of the Traveler, and the reason for its infliction upon us.
But here, my infliction of pain on the insect seems all too clear.
These include both the actual infliction and the threat of violence.
But the memories of its infliction were hard to suppress.
They seemed to actually enjoy this ritual infliction of pain.
With him, the infliction of punishment was an end in itself, rather than what might be gained through it.
This last infliction seemed to rankle more than the others.
A battery is the infliction of unlawful force on another person.
Treatment of the wound is often done by soaking the infliction in hot water.
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.
Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing.
Whether or not there ever were any such good old days, they weren't brought about by the infliction of capital punishment.
The infliction of pain upon a horse affects it in a very profound way.
"You four are charged with the infliction of serious harm to the same.
From this infliction of silence there was no relief.
Revenge is defined as the infliction of harm in return for perceived wrong.
We won't have another infliction of the old fool for at least three months."
It teaches us to avoid the infliction of any unnecessary pain to the animal.
Whereas the physician may often be too happy if he can restore health, and make the body whole, without any very great infliction of pain.
The infliction of pain and suffering is a delight comparable with none other.
All of these are necessary to determine the exact infliction that the patient is suffering from.
Infliction of pain which may cause lasting physical harm, whether real or simulated.