It would burn like a bonfire on an enemy's infra-red sensor.
These were fairly simple systems consisting of an infra-red sensor with a horizontally rotating shutter in front of it.
An infra-red sensor on the submunition scans the ground as it travels, searching for the target.
Most TVs made since the early 1980s also feature an infra-red sensor to detect the signals sent by remote controls.
The seismic sensor detects approaching vehicles and alerts the infra-red sensor.
While slowly descending, the submunition rotates, scanning the area below with an infra-red sensor and a millimeter wave radar.
The post-Vietnam era saw the introduction of airborne infra-red sensors.
Like Worsel's Lens and half-shut eyes, the enemy now had an observer, an infra-red sensor soaking up the scene before it.
Like night-hunting snakes it has infra-red sensors on the front end, in the dark It strikes at anything warm.
The webcam on the Envy 15 is night-vision capable with infra-red sensor.