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It's a good idea to keep the insipidity on a strictly musical level.
I have no turn for that form of insipidity."
"Is all the burden of lifting the evening above insipidity to be on my shoulders, then?"
"It is of an insipidity to make one sick."
The concentrated insipidity of it all filled him with self-pity.
He had nice hands, not babied to the point of insipidity, but well-kept.
Recently one of our venefices became irritated at such insipidity.
The President would not have to agree or sign - a demand that would guarantee insipidity.
In spring, navels generally get softer and sweeter, often to the point of insipidity.
Shun men impervious to vice, for their insipidity is tiresome.
By then he had had enough of stammering insipidity and timorousness.
"Monotony and insipidity are stamped upon every square inch of the surface," the reviewer said.
The main drawback to this recording is the insipidity of the Germonts.
At table I could forgive much insipidity in my food more easily than the least suspicion of what seemed to me excessive or inappropriate seasoning.
"Why should this mindless insipidity be allowed?"
To say that this is appalling is to state it with a degree of mildness which amounts to insipidity.
'You may have behaved with propriety, but insipidity I cannot allow!'
The insipidity and yet the noise; the nothingness and yet the self-importance of all these people!
However, in the end he decided not to have the overture performed because of its-his own words-"pretentious insipidity".
The photographs have an appealing rawness, but the insipidity quotient of the drawings is high (Glueck).
For here the avarice of Scrooge is far more agreeable than the insipidity of the characters representing the disadvantaged and the caring.
The Com- panion's face was still as it often was, like an image carved in ivory, beautiful almost to insipidity, but for the eyes.
The strong hair, the thick upswept eyebrows, the resolute square face, had defeated the artist's well-meant insipidity.
Nehru wrote: "Decidedly the atmosphere was not intellectually stimulating and a sense of the utter insipidity of life grew upon me.