Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Interim statements are required within 60 days of the quarter end.
An interim statement might be developed for public commentary before the end of 2001.
This week’s interim statement could have other ramifications for the company.
The company said in an interim statement last month that its trading business remained “solid”.
We will find out exactly how much debt has been drawn down when the group issues its interim statement on September 16.
I am confident of being able to report more fully in our interim statement."
"Since these companies don't issue interim statements to shareholders, how would you know if anything turns lousy?"
The unaudited interim statement for six months ended, was announced on.
An interim statement, agreed to by all the participants, described the talks as "constructive."
There were also interim statements in the insurance sector.
What if you want an interim statement or valuation?
The idea was to have Arab leaders endorse an interim statement demonstrating at least some progress, officials said.
Many companies no longer post interim statements and only send out, as they are still legally required, the yearly report.
"As of today, we no longer expect to break even in 1991," the company said in its interim statement to shareholders.
In such circumstances the Chair could release an interim statement shortly after a meeting through a press notice or otherwise.
One possibility is for negotiators to issue an interim statement describing progress on their talks.
An interim statement of revenue and expenses for the period January1 to June 30, 2001 is available on your table.
The company also confirmed its full-year earnings guidance in an interim statement.
British Medical Association's interim statement about the risks of genetic engineering.
Which presumably is why we now find no less than 173 pages worth of information in the bank’s interim statement and additional slide presentations.
The interim statement for the six months ended 30 September 1992 includes a cash value added statement.
Does your interim statement include a balance sheet and a cash flow statement?
Each month, between quarterly statements, you will receive an interim statement of charges for the past month.
However, in an interim statement, for the three months to the end of December, it insisted its performance remained in line with expectations.
At the time of the interim statement in July, the bank was guiding that the full-year bad debt provision would be about 35bp.
I should have another interim report ready to show you in about a week.
Recently Year 8 + 9 students received their interim reports.
Many teachers issue interim reports to all of their students.
This is an interim report half way through the three year programme.
That's one reason why we already sent out an interim report.
The interim report does not call for any major new projects.
This may be an interim report, but it is a good one.
In addition interim reports may be sent home at other times during the year.
An interim report could be released in weeks, he said.
Include an interim report if you are currently in school.
We expect some kind of interim report soon,' he added.
An interim report is expected to be released early next week.
What view does the Commission's interim report take of that?
The commission is expected to issue an interim report in March.
In the course of the study, we produced three interim reports.
It has called for an interim report to be published by then.
The interim report focused only on the second of the above issues.
The commission is expected to provide an interim report by the end of June 2014.
If you need further information about interim reports contact your student's teacher or the school.
An interim report of findings will be required during the course.
This can only be an interim report on a continuing process.
The inquiry will be expected to provide an interim report in around three months.
Complete the interim report on the teaching of science and technology in primary schools.
Here members can find out about the progress of the business through an annual and interim report.
The director general has made an interim report on the current investigation and what further steps will be taken.