Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But he also found ways to interlace religion and policy.
How could they interlace their particular art with the school curriculum?
And you can feel the warmth of your fingers being interlaced.
There are 17 levels, interlaced with over 12 minutes of footage from the movie.
The problem is that relationships among types of interlacing are not made clear enough in the show.
With the fingers of both hands interlaced, he swung and came down hard upon the man's back.
The two groups of lines "interlace" on the screen to piece together the total picture.
And the fire of the three companies was interlaced.
With the slow turn of his wrist, their fingers interlaced.
"No." He seemed to consider something for a moment, then his fingers interlaced with hers.
In almost any other city there would have been interlacing wires, phone and power poles.
He leaned forward and interlaced his fingers on the desk in front of him.
Their fingers interlaced even before they began making love.
I interlaced my fingers and looked down at my hands.
This strategy of interlacing multiple plot lines is not new.
So that was how he remained, his fingers delicately interlaced.
He put his hands on his head, fingers interlaced, and she turned away again.
All of the world's televisions now use a different format, called interlacing.
For a while, beneath the blankets, their fingertips were interlaced.
Each shows the fingers interlaced in a different angle and illuminated as if they were points of light.
He then pointed to a large tree whose low branches interlaced with those of its neighbors.
Then she interlaced her fingers with his in a quick, decisive gesture.
The fingers of one hand were interlaced with Scott's.
Such scan of every second line is called interlacing.
The music video follows two children's stories interlaced with the band singing.