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Is this sort of you know yes no interlude here?
Things had not gone well for us during those interludes.
We seem to be in that kind of interlude once again.
After this Interlude, your love life may never again be the same!
These interludes are a form of break in the song.
In six days, then, you have to write a new interlude.
For them, this may have been an interesting summer interlude, at best.
Sometimes indeed there was an interlude of culture in some quite different key.
And why, for a few interludes only, once or twice a year when he was on leave?
They believe that such a situation could only be an interlude until your people took over completely.
It may give you some ideas for the rest of this Interlude.
Thus the interlude that followed the end of the cold war is finally over.
When he looked up, her expression had changed, as if an interlude was over.
This was just a very brief interlude in her life.
The interlude and the brandy had done me some good.
When they became a part of normal life the summer was considered just an interlude between games.
To anyone who had entered higher understanding death was only an interlude.
But before and after this interlude, his characters are on their own.
Yet people come here for more than just romantic interludes with the past.
You can get away with boring interludes later in a relationship, but not now.
He used to work in the day with interludes for prayer.
Then, after an interlude of terror too long to be time, it was over.
We are in an interlude waiting for the next boom.
His interlude with Sunny would end tonight, one way or another.
It was great coffee, and no less welcome after our little interlude.