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The issues are important, Tamar, but the voters tend to make powerful, intestinally based judgments of a candidate's likability.
Intestinally, they show well-developed proventricular blades with sharp external ridges, and a hindgut with rectal loop.
This input mimics the case of an intestinally absorbed solute that is excreted by the liver and then reabsorbed (enterohepatic circulation).
Oddly, the story doesn't say what rights will thereby be protected, although presumably they won't include the right to intestinally offload onto the liquor cart (an actual incident).
MICA and MICB are intestinally expressed.
There were close to 50 in our party, all tombed and templed half to death after 10 days in Egypt, and every last one of us intestinally challenged in the worst way.
Good and bad luck have a way of changing places: a broken coffee machine, an intestinally distressed pigeon and even a broken nose can turn out to be harbingers of good fortune.
The Federal Centers for Disease Control said 223 people in the cities of Huitzililla and Telixtac, in the western state of Morelos, became ill last fall in outbreaks of a hepatitis type designated intestinally transmitted, non-A, non-B hepatitis.
An hour of hill-climbing on intestinally convoluted roads, through dark tunnels and across narrow bridges, past laden orchards and around numerous towns and smaller settlements brought her to a small, prettily colour-washed, but otherwise nondescript, hill village a couple of valleys away from Capitaller.