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It takes a particular kind of inventiveness to work in this field.
When it comes to inventiveness, nature is hard to beat.
"We simply have had to use more inventiveness now to find solutions."
Not that he and his team have eased up on their inventiveness.
It is as well to remember, however, that all the inventiveness was not on the German side.
To make it work as a film, someone needed to use the same brand of inventiveness.
The inventiveness of participants is not constrained in any way.
We reached the height of inventiveness that day, doing everything but it.
She also had the gift of what some would call a dirty mind and others inventiveness.
The main idea of the game is inventiveness in filming video.
Inventiveness by newcomers is also being recognized in the world market.
His approach has the relaxed inventiveness that comes from decades of experience.
Selling the product to a company is where the real inventiveness comes in, he told his audience.
We must all display a spirit of inventiveness and responsibility.
To be fair, the food showed some inventiveness and was more often appealing than not.
In the end, it usually comes down to the inventiveness of the unemployed executive.
She would put on a great show of inventiveness.
Common law has a culture of judicial inventiveness and even flexibility.
What hope for the initiative and inventiveness of the race could there be under such a religion?
The grandchildren were not among the least to have benefited from his inventiveness.
This may be a tribute to the inventiveness of the designers.
There's a lot of inventiveness and innovation in the advertising world these days.
Nevertheless their energy and inventiveness were getting some development experts excited.
I think the inventiveness of women emerged at that time."
When the two team up, they thrive on each other's relentless inventiveness.