Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The system is an important instrument for investment planning and monitoring service quality.
So investment planning and enterprise democracy stand in rather different relations with national politics.
Artemis 7 is an investment planning and control Web application.
He started offering investment planning services and selling of securities on a commission basis in 1979.
This would be more than just investment planning.
The purpose was to help educate shareholders about investment planning and self-help.
Despite state control, business had much production and investment planning freedom in a regime that has been described as "command-capitalism".
Additionally, the organization offers investment planning and guidance tools.
Until his move to the nation's capitol, he was responsible for strategic investment planning and capability assessments at Stennis.
But they argue that the payments were for Mr. Weber's personal financial and investment planning services.
An A.M.T. liability calls for many changes in financial and investment planning.
AyA requests tariff increases when its financial situation is precarious and not a result of long-term investment planning.
Vanguard recently updated an investment planning service to allow investors to prepare on line for retirement, college or other investment objectives.
In particular, the lack of investment planning has hindered the shift in the industrial base of western economies.
Since insurance also enjoys some tax benefits, utilizing insurance investment products may be a critical piece of the overall investment planning.
It oversees tariff adjustments, minimum service levels, financial projection and investment planning and corporate governance.
SONEG owned all assets and was in charge of investment planning.
They are responsible for the development and rehabilitation of water and sewerage facilities, for investment planning and implementation in their service area.
His mid-year meeting with Mr. Taylor is perhaps the pivotal point of Mr.Kimmel's investment planning.
"There is an appropriate balance between tax planning and cash flow and investment planning," Mr. Kochis said.
His father is a senior consultant with Lincoln Investment Planning, a brokerage in Jenkintown, Pa.
The bridegroom, 40, is a managing director of investment planning and administration for the Guggenheim Group, a private investment firm in New York.
Professor Bodily's area of research is decision and risk analysis, strategy modeling and analysis, forecasting and lifetime consumption and investment planning.
Mr. Gherman managed the assets through Financial and Investment Planning Inc. and other companies he controlled.
"No one has asked me about a tax-efficient fund since April," he said, "but I still think it's a smart choice because you don't want surprises in investment planning."