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I volunteer to invigilate the examination of the credit rating agencies.
Are you well enough to invigilate?'
There will probabkly need to be a body to enforce and invigilate standards in apprenticeships as for other areas of education.
Normally arrangements to invigilate these examinations should be made with the nearest British Council Office.
Staff are also required to invigilate in the South Reading Room, and occasionally to assist with the preparation of the Library's exhibitions.
Every March we invigilate university examination, and to relieve the tedium we regularly count the lefthanders.
"And we could easily get one of the parsons from St. Mary Mags to invigilate, if that's ' "Fine, yes.
Schools ask or require students to stay at home during and after exams because of the disruption the timetable suffers and the extra demands placed on teachers to invigilate.
The Lifeguards train through practical and theoretical lessons to meet standards set by the RLSS so they can help invigilate the swimming pool.
Erm, we I won't be there to invigilate the exam but usually there's some, I mean if you get stuck and you want a break just stick your hand up, but not everybody cos everybody can't go to the toilet.
This is not what university teachers are employed for; they are there to contest the prevailing paradigmatic hegemonies, to prove the absence of the author, the death of the subject, the incongruity of the reader, and also to invigilate examinations when required.
Teachers may no longer have to invigilate exams or spend their evenings bounding around the rugby pitch, but they are expected to do just about everything else, from teaching children to eat their Brussels sprouts, to preparing them for dozens of tests, to protecting them from other pupils wielding weapons.
It's very rare for a Linux build to get a virus and they'll have a web browser, software centre for lots of free games and applications (which you can password protect to invigilate what they install) as well as the ability to do much more complex things as they progress.
In August 1918 Hufiec "Zorza" ("The Dawn" Regiment) led by Antoni Wysocki joined Polska Organizacja Wojskowa (Polish Military Organization) and received the order to invigilate sappers' barracks in the district of Wilda and the railway storehouses.