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If you're a religious woman, give me a irreligious one!
However, the American public at large often has a less positive view of the irreligious.
All terms, religious and irreligious, are open to this charge.
"We never did mean to be irreligious," said the woman.
Despite all you say about being irreligious, you're a good and compassionate man.
They are indeed irreligious and diverse, but not so very original.
They are the most irreligious people on the face of the earth."
It comes with equal challenge to the religious as to the irreligious.
That leaves only 74,132 for the other religious and irreligious bodies.
Whether the 1961 total includes one irreligious person is unclear.
You'd think it would have made him irreligious, if anything."
But both the religious and the irreligious can agree that such principles are good for society.
He suggests that Western civilization has been irreligious for 500 years.
It surprises only the irreligious, or at least those who have lost all sense of religion's power.
Norway is one of the world's most secular and irreligious nations.
He considered it irreligious and not suitable for good Muslims.
The thought of them sitting in an irreligious environment is very disconcerting.
I would say not necessarily but then I'm irreligious.
This is not to say that Richard was irreligious.
The other 2 percent either identify themselves as irreligious, or do not belong to any congregation.
He was the most irreligious man I ever knew, and the most moral.
The American people must be saved from the irreligious deism of their political leaders.
He writes, "They all turned out to be thoroughly wicked and irreligious".
"Usually the complaints have to do with blasphemy or what people feel is irreligious," she said.
Many alumni were, in their adult lives, agnostic or irreligious.