Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
If he lost power, there was a chance of irreversible damage.
A third priority is to stop irreversible damage to the natural environment.
At best this will cause irreversible damage and data loss where contact was made.
The result had been serious and irreversible damage to her right heel.
The story here, they say, might do irreversible damage to a town struggling to share in the nation's economic good times.
As a consequence some have suffered irreversible damage to their health.
Frequently, by the time symptoms appear, major irreversible damage has been done, he said.
As it turns out, she was found before her brain suffered irreversible damage.
As a result, early diagnosis is important or else irreversible damage may occur.
But overall, he said, there has been little irreversible damage to the stained glass.
However, this type of treatment could cause irreversible damage.
Oil and other pollutants have caused irreversible damage to our ecosystem.
In cases of a severe untreated attack, irreversible damage and death can result.
The US must lead the way and act now to avoid irreversible damage.
Some medications cause irreversible damage to the ear, and are limited in their use for this reason.
The brain begins to suffer irreversible damage after four to six minutes without oxygen.
There may have been irreversible damage, and certainly major loss of memory.'
Bring it on before these two faced halfwits do too much irreversible damage.
They fear that a growth this year could cause irreversible damage to the bay's fragile ecology.
Irreversible damage to neural tissue occurs after only 90 minutes.
Oil palm production has been documented as a cause of substantial and often irreversible damage to the natural environment.
"The painting will enter the irreversible damage zone in one minute thirty seconds."
The miracle is that most are caught before irreversible damage is done.
By that time, irreversible damage to the circulatory system and organs may already have occurred.
Fortunately, no irreversible damage had been done, and he was able to successfully heal the injuries.