Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It is popularly believed that he died of a broken heart.
It is popularly believed that this water, being sacred, can cure ailments.
Popular myth - It is popularly believed that "1 human year equals 7 dog years" or the like.
It is popularly believed that worshipping on the hill brings rain to this area.
It is popularly believed that he was struck in the mouth by a thrown piece of concrete or brick.
It is popularly believed that by making a wish and eating it, a problem will be resolved.
It is popularly believed that it happened about five centuries ago .
It is popularly believed that Pavlov always signalled the food by ringing a bell.
It is popularly believed that the Chalukyas halted at this place to rest after a long horse-ride.
It is popularly believed that the University constructed an undergraduate library with three stories underground, so that the library would not block the sun.
It is popularly believed that this resulted in the European sailors bringing their fear of the "bugi men" back to their home countries.
It is popularly believed that the distinctive sound of a pump action being cycled carries an inherent deterrent effect, though this should never be relied upon.
It is popularly believed that if a person has appendicitis and the appendix bursts, he can die if he doesn't receive immediate treatment.
It is popularly believed that Meldrick Taylor was never the same physically or psychologically after the Chavez bout.
It is popularly believed that the main affliction is of the skin, because that is what is most readily seen and diagnosed.
It is popularly believed that 'The Black Country' got its name because of pollution from these heavy industries that covered the area in black soot.
It is popularly believed that the series was based in part on the real-life story of Sam Sheppard, an Ohio doctor accused of murdering his wife.
It is popularly believed that maces were employed by the clergy in warfare to avoid shedding blood (sine effusione sanguinis).
It's not known exactly where they migrated from, but it is popularly believed that they were dwellers of the hills of present day Arunachal Pradesh.
It is popularly believed that these pieces were the first of the collection of stones that were later embedded in the facade of the Tribune Tower.
The town is linked to the Arthurian legend as it is popularly believed that Guinevere retired to the original convent at Amesbury after leaving Arthur.
It is popularly believed that his predecessor Shri Narasimha Swami went to Kardali and entered samadhi.
Long aerobic workouts have been promoted as the best method to reduce fat, as it is popularly believed that fatty acid utilization usually occurs after at least 30 minutes of training.
In Bengal it is popularly believed that Maharaja Krishna Chandra of Nadia started Jagaddhatri Puja.