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But many people in Washington take a more jaundiced view.
Red always makes him look kind of jaundiced, if you know what I mean.
He opened one eye enough to give me a jaundiced look.
And you wonder why many people have a jaundiced view of government?
"Many people are still going to look at this with a very jaundiced eye."
Further, I was looking at the people around me with a jaundiced eye: could one of them actually be doing this?
This may seem a jaundiced view, but the evidence is disturbing.
To notice only the bad, when there is so much good, may be seen as a jaundiced view.
She was a lovely woman, if you looked past the jaundiced eye.
Vaughn gave her a jaundiced look, and said nothing more.
He raised an eyebrow and gave me a jaundiced look.
"They're looking at us with jaundiced eye and wondering what we're going to do to them."
No one should be surprised when they take a jaundiced view of police testimony.
In this case, the jaundiced eye is the truly healthy one.
It's given me a jaundiced view of life this morning."
He cast a jaundiced eye over the heavy sea again.
He gave her a jaundiced look, one hand on his pocketbook.
Local officials seemed decidedly less jaundiced than many of their constituents.
Perhaps nowhere has the gaze been more jaundiced than in the area of work.
Hell, even the Federation itself began to look at us with a jaundiced eye.
Once famous for her complexion, she was almost jaundiced now.
"I know one should be cynical and jaundiced by all this," he said during a recent visit.
With a jaundiced eye, she gazed at the small park across the street from the restaurant.
We should view the writers' warnings with a jaundiced eye.
He is far less jaundiced than before the operation, though still somewhat yellow.