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They do this so the other kids will give them money to buy jawbreakers.
Get the store owner to announce to the kids, "We're still out of jawbreakers."
Lean your head back on the antimacassar and dream of jawbreakers.
Some years ago, a bank of them stood near the entrance, dispensing rings and jawbreakers.
The Eds put their heads together to find out who took the jawbreakers and confront the thief to get them back.
The fruits are jawbreakers when raw, but are delicious and beautiful cooked.
The jawbreakers and power-ups created upon destruction of a toy disappear after a few seconds.
Me looking at the jawbreakers and buttons and pinwheels.
Edd suggests that they look for the other pieces of the map in order to recover Eddy's missing jawbreakers.
They enter a large room where they battle the Kankers to get the jawbreakers back.
Upon completion of an area, points are awarded for jawbreakers and fuzzy bunnies collected in that area.
Liquidate the Organization-Don translated the jawbreakers into real words: kill all the people who were against them.
Gobstoppers, known as jawbreakers in Canada and the United States, are a type of hard confectionery.
I gawked at the endless supply of chocolate and mints and jawbreakers in the bag.
A friend who baked the cookies following the magazine's directions turned out unattractive jawbreakers; the cookies should have soft centers.
The game mirrors Ed, Edd, and Eddy's television quest to make money to buy jawbreakers.
Oak Leaf makes ball gum, tablet gum, pressed dextrose candy and jawbreakers.
"I want jawbreakers and butterscotch and lollipops and jellybeans.
Jawbreakers (1963)
The expanding universe of "Jurassic Park" products includes sleepwear, pinball games, jawbreakers and temporary tattoos.
The cartoon characters Ed, Edd n Eddy are perennially in search of large jawbreakers.
"I kin bust a bronc, but I sure can't stick in the saddle when you start spoutin' them jawbreakers!"
Jawbreakers (NOR)
Also, in the pilot, Eddy claims they only cost a nickel - yet in the later episodes Jawbreakers appear to cost a quarter each.