Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Management has the right to change the job assignment for union leaders.
They can help with changes to equipment or other job assignments.
The message refers to the number of job assignments in the Army.
The pay system identified the job assignment of the soldier.
"And there's not as much chaos with your job assignments."
I've had three job assignments as a temporary, each one lasting from six months to a year.
They work out job assignments and overtime schedules among themselves.
A subject of primary importance is where to purchase the weapons you use on job assignments.
She says she does not want to risk losing another job assignment.
I heard the unspecified offer of a job assignment in there somewhere.
Could the marines have gotten into files or areas outside their normal job assignment?
In the occupations' section of the report 68% were listed as holding hospital job assignments.
Those desiring job assignment may report to the employment office in the next bay.
Many job assignments are controlled through a performance pay system, which provides monetary payment for work.
The party, acting through local employment commissions, controlled all job assignments.
The bargaining may be over job assignment, geographic location or salary.
He participates in photography campaigns and other job assignments too.
Chinese job assignments kept husbands and wives thousands of miles apart for decades.
It was not clear whether the tomboy strategy resulted in better or worse job assignments.
One is by federal officials examining complaints of discrimination in job assignments and promotions.
An overseas job assignment can certainly be a career enhancer, but with it comes many challenges, especially for people who take their families along.
Job assignments, shifts, and vacations are filled using a system based on seniority.
Lighter job assignments are usually given union leaders.
The company, in turn, insists on greater flexibility in setting work rules and job assignments.
On this night job assignments as well as seasickness were discussed.