Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Getting a senior manager to do a high profile job swap is one way of making an impact.
It seems a shame that they have never met, let alone discussed a job swap.
Our job swaps and job share provisions have made this possible.
He got a taste of the challenges ahead as soon as the job swap was announced.
A Secretary is under no obligation to agree to a 'job swap' and may take into account the overall cost of a redundancy.
You may also be able to benefit from job swaps or secondments to gain wider experience.
One option could be a direct job swap, effectively making Miliband deputy prime minister.
Norville is a gnome that once filled in for Jasper while he was on a job swap.
An interesting development we witnessed at QUT was the senior management job swap.
Despite initial public outrage over their job swap, Putin is consistently polling at around 50 per cent – well ahead of the fragmented opposition.
In other words, job swaps.
Corporate job swaps can be motivating, skill-enhancing, career-changing experiences.
These things are up to the Prime Minister but if he was here, he would tell you very clearly there will be no such job swap.
While secondments and shadowing are common, relatively few organisations offer job swaps, possibly because they are difficult to set up.
Council Changes There have been a number of 'job swaps' and new additions to Council.
The job swap was seen as a show of cynical disrespect for democracy, fueling public anger that spilled into the open during the December protests.
Speaker John Bercow 'urged to take part in Aghan job swap'
Proposals Report back on Job Swap proposal (D.
Agreement to transfer employees (or Job Swap) in these situations is at the discretion of the relevant Agency Heads.
He said the job swap was something he'd done successfully when he ran his Bloomberg LP financial information and media empire.
BBC2 has re-commissioned Lion television to make eight half-hour job swap shows, following the success of Trading Places.
Putin has been accused of stifling freedoms since he came to power in 1999 and shocked many with his job swap announced with Medvedev last month.
This episode of The Two Davids' Celebrity Job Swap is doing no one any favours.
Each store tries to raise the target by staff doing tasks e.g. non-uniform day, manager job swap, bun sales, official T-shirt sales and many other ideas.
However, Mr Hague told the BBC Sunday Politics that there would be no "job swap."